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Ep.008 Safe and Effective Podcast: Desperately Seeking: MedDev Human Factors Use Error Classification System (ft. Albert Boquet)

Updated: Jun 18, 2024

Episode 008: In this episode we welcome back our good friend Bert Boquet to the Safe and Effective Podcast, this time with:

Desperately Seeking: MedDev Human Factors Use Error Classification System (ft. Albert Boquet)

Join us in our latest episode of Safe and Effective, where we welcome back our good friend Dr. Albert Boquet (aka Bert) to talk about using an existing framework, such as #HFACS, to develop a unified #useerror classification system and #database to add as a tool to the #humanfactorsengineering process in the #medicaldevice and #combinationproduct (development) industry.

In our discussion we shed light on the nuances between not only #useerrors and their #identification and #classification, but also how such is a #datadrivensystem that requires building on. 

We get into the complexities of how #humans are not #engineered but instead #biopsychosocial systems. And that therefore their #behaviors and #actions can not be #evaluated using methods and corresponding thinking originally derived and intended for #engineeredsystems. Further, we elaborate how such a system could potentially increase capacity of #prioritization and #mitigation of #risks associated with such and thus improve #safety and #effectiveness of medical devices overall.

Additionally, at the end of the episode the podcast team provides some insights into the upcoming planned Safe and Effective #InstagramLive events from the #HFESHCS2024 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care in #Chicago, Illinois, from March 24-26th, 2024. 

Oh, and one more thing. While Bert was very disappointed that we could not fulfill his burning wish to have his introduction feature James Earl Jones and the Chariots of Fire in the background…. we know that listenting to our discussion will be anything BUT disappointing. And something tells us that many of you will most likely finish the episode left with the thought: why do we indeed not already have a system like this in place?

Enjoy the episode!

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